Library Use Policy

The Library Administration calls upon its members to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Adherence to the library opening hours.
  2. Show the library card for students of the university and its staff, and the membership card for the outside members upon request.
  3. Renew the library card or membership card, immediately upon their expiration, bearing in mind the necessity of submitting the expired card to the library administration
  4. Only professors, university students and the outside-members are allowed to use the Library.
  5. The bags and other tools are allowed to enter, leave them in the places designated for them inside the library, and do not leave valuable items in the bags, and the library administration is not responsible for them.

6., Enter your information in the information desk located on the ground floor and the purpose of the visit.

  1. The library’s holdings of paper based items, electronic and audio- visual items, as well as furniture and the rest of the building’s contents, must be preserved.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to carry food and beverages inside the Library.
  3. Keeping the library clean and leaving the place clean well.
  4. Be calm in the library, maintaining the time of others and not speaking aloud.
  5. Close the mobile phone inside the library.
  6. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the library.
  7. Commitment to the library instructions and regulations.
  8. Comply with the instructions for using Internet and multimedia materials.
  9. Commitment to use computers for educational and research purposes only. It is strictly forbidden to enter CDs into the library and to use them.
  10. Adherence to library borrowing rules in terms of loan period, number of books, payment for loss, and the delay fines.
  11. It is forbidden to enter the library halls with borrowed books.
  12. The user has the right to make remarks on the service and to make any suggestions or complaints about the library.
  13. Attempting to breach any of the library’s holdings by illegal means is a violation.
  14. The library administration has the right to stop library services for anyone who violates instructions, regulations, traditions, public morals and ethics.