Library Services

• To provide search in Library collection through the Online Public Access Catalogue within the Library and outside via its website.

• External borrowing and internal reading.

• Photocopying documents.

• Search in the subscribed International databases.

• Search in the Knowledge Bank of Egypt.

• Provide excellent reference services.

• Identify the users’ needs through fill questionnaires designed for this purpose.

• Provide access to previous years for students’ exams.

• Current Awareness and Selective Dissemination of Information services.

• Customize Halls to discuss the students’ graduation projects, and also for studying and internal reading.

• Arrange some activities, such as exhibitions, meetings, seminars and conferences.

• Identify complaints of users through personal communication and through chick the box of complaints and suggestions.

• Dedicated Hall to display scientific theses and student projects of graduation to serve the researchers and students.

• Purchasing the latest editions of the books that serve all disciplines colleges on a regular basis.

The public library provides excellent services to its users from the local community, including:

1. Summer activities: development skills (such as drawing, Arabic calligraphy, painting, hand crafts, languages, computer, music, art of etiquette, human development … etc.).

2. To read daily newspapers, and to prepare Archive of the Higher Education News of the Egyptian government and private universities.