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تهنئكم ادارة المكتبة المركزية بقرب حلول عيد الاضحي المبارك واعاده الله عليكم بالخير واليمن والبركات وكل عام وانتم بخير ونعلمكم بان ...

  • 04


    n the framework of the activity of the United Nations simulation model organized by the Faculty of Economics and Administration, A meeting of all Faculties of the University was held , the meeting discussed the following points

    PR : Public relation
    HR : Human Resources
    AC : academic commitee
    OC : organization committee
    Media : media
    SDg’s : sustainable development goal’s

    and the number of attendance was more than forty students

  • 05

    10:00 -13:03

    The library hosted a lecture on social linguistics for Graduate Students, which was held on 5 March from 9 am to 12pm , delivered by Dr. Hisham Hassan

  • 08

    09:00 -15:00

    On March 8, 2018, the Scientific Society of the Faculty of Medicine organized a seminar and workshop on “Violence against Children” SOUL. The attendance reaches to 65 students from 17 Medical XColleges in Egypt , The workshop given by Dr. Manal Fawzi. It aims to increase Awareness of this issue and how to deal with such cases and The workshop started from 09:00 am to 03:00 pm

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