Seminars to Introduce the Knowledge Bank Contents A Seminar to Introduce JoVE databases

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University, the Central Library organized a symposium to explain the content of the digital experiments video recordings of JoVE and how to get benefit from their elements among faculty members and students, where the representative of JoVE Company, Dr. Basant Emad Ahmed, on Tuesday, 21/2/2023, at 11 am explained the content of the Digital Experiments library of JoVE available in the databases of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

A group of faculty members and university students attended, follows:

  • The Faculty Members:
  1. Pharmacy 1
  2. Information systems and computer science 6
  3. Economics and management 7
  4. Media and mass communication 3
  5. Education 18
  6. Nursing 9
  7. Applied Health Sciences Technology 1
  8. Tourism and hotels 1
  9. Physiotherapy 4

with a total of 50

  • The Students:
  1. Pharmacy 1
  2. Information systems and computer science 1
  3. Economics and management 4
  4. Tourism and hotels 5
  5. Education 10
  6. Nursing 1
  7. Physiotherapy 3

with a total of 25

The total number of attendees was 75 participants.


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About the Author : Amin Mohamed

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