Visit: College of Languages and translation

SOUL receives the students and faculty members from all colleges of the university to get acquainted with its activities and services. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 30,31 March and 4 April, students of the Faculty of Languages and Translation – English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese departments, German Language and Special Education attended, with a total number of 168 students under the supervision of 6 members of the faculty members and their assistants.

Dr. Maurice Abu Al-Saad, Director of the library, started the meeting by welcoming the visitors, where he delivered a speech on the most important activities of the library and its services. He talked in particular about the importance of assigning students to prepare research studies on topics that each faculty member in the college sees as important in the fields of specialization. The library team presents a film on SOUL. The library staff presents live online search of the library OPAC, as well as the methods of accessing the digital databases available in the library, which included an explanation of the rules EBSCO data and those available on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) A brief description of the library website and the activities and services was presented.

By the end of the visit, the students made a tour within the library, in which they were introduced to the halls of the paper-based collections, especially those located in their field of specialization.


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About the Author : Amin Mohamed

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